Surge iOS TestFlight

By joining Surge iOS TestFlight, you can use the Beta version of Surge iOS, which contains experimental features and may be unstable. It is only recommended for experienced users who enjoy trying new things. All purchased users can register themselves.

  1. If you purchased the license from the website or have already bound your email:

Visit License Management and log in to apply join the TestFlight.

  1. If you purchased through the App Store IAP:

Please bind your email in the App's license management page first.

For details, please refer to Surge iOS Licensing FAQs

Technical support will not answer inquiries about TestFlight itself. Please refer to Apple's related instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can TestFlight versions be bound to App Store accounts in regions where Surge iOS is not available?

No, Apple changed TestFlight's behavior in February 2021, and you must use an Apple ID from a region where Surge is available to install the TestFlight version (i.e., not a Chinese Apple ID).

If you attempt to install in a region where it is not available, you will receive an "The requested App is not available or does not exist" error.

Is there a relationship between the Apple ID in TestFlight and license email?

The associated Apple ID is determined by the App Store account currently logged into on the iOS device that clicks on the invitation email, and it has nothing to do with the license email (i.e., the email receiving TestFlight invitations).

However, we strongly recommend binding with an Apple ID that matches your license email. Accepting an invitation with a mismatched Apple ID may lead to anomalies when unbinding later (this is an issue on Apple's server side). You can change your license email yourself before joining TestFlight.

Is the TestFlight version stable?

The goal of TestFlight versions is to test new features. They have a high update frequency but may be less stable. Please provide feedback if you encounter any issues. Severe problems are generally fixed within one to two days. TestFlight also allows you to revert to a previous version if you encounter severe issues.

What if I don't receive the TestFlight invitation email?

Invitation emails are sent by Apple's servers, and some email accounts may have difficulty receiving them. Please check your spam folder first, opt-out and rejoin to resend, or change the license email to another email address to receive the invitation.

How do I change the bound Apple ID? (Or if operation errors cause the invitation code to become invalid)

You can opt-out in the management page mentioned above, and then rejoin.

How to cancel TestFlight email notifications and push notifications

All TestFlight-related push notifications and emails are sent by Apple. To cancel emails or push notifications, you need to operate within the TestFlight App.

Last updated